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On January 16 and 17, 2025, the ADIPOBROAD meeting took place in Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona. ADIPOBROAD is a thematic research network supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities in Spain. This network brings together 12 research groups from Spain involved in various aspects of research on adipose tissue plasticity and its impact on health. The meeting included participation from all the network's groups and international guests, with more than 60 attendees. Multiple interdisciplinary and collaborative research areas in adipobiology were identified during the meeting.


The ADIPOBROAD network scientific meeting will be held on 16 and 17 January at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona. The meeting will feature scientific presentations by the research teams that are members of the network and guests from the ETH Zurich (Switzerland), the University of Toronto (Canada), and the Príncipe Felipe Research Institute (Valencia) (see attached program). Sessions are open to the scientific community.


ADIPOBROAD has established a collaborative initiative with the University of Barcelona, contributing to the postgraduate course titled “Molecular, Cellular, and Pathophysiological Bases of Obesity” as part of the Master's Program in Biomedicine. Interactive lectures were delivered in December 2024 by Dr D. Araujo ( University of Santiago de Compostela), Dr. G. Sánchez-Delgado (University of Granada, J. Ruiz node), A. Castells-Novau (University of Girona, JM Fernández-Real node), M. Todorcevic (Faculty of Pharmacy, UB, L. Herrero node), and FJ Osuna (Hospital Joan XXIII and IRB Pere Virgili, Tarragona, S. Fernández-Veledo node).

Several research teams from our network, led by MM Malagón, G. Fruhbeck, JM Fernández Real, L. Herrero and F. Villarroya, took advantage of the assistance at the 58th European Society for Clinical Scientific Meeting in Barcelona, at XV CIBERobn symposium in Zaragoza and at the 31st European Obesity Congress in Venice in May and June, to organize meetings among groups to plan and develop collaborative activities in the context of the ADIPOBROAD network.

CIBEROBN awards the research project "Molecular adaptations of human brown adipose tissue to overnutrition" with 50.000 euros funding, in the context of intramural collaborative projects led by junior research leaders. The project involves four ADIPOBROAD research teams: G. Sánchez-Delgado (J. Ruiz team, University of Granada), M. Romero (L. Herrero team, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona), R. Cereijo (F. Villarroya team, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona), and M. López (University of Santiago de Compostela). The study will advance in knowledge on the role of brown adipose tissue in energy balance in response to food intake.

Dr. Gema Fruhbkeck is the organizer of "Session 3: Endocrinology and Metabolism" in the "58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation" (, to be held in Barcelona next June 5-9. The session will cover relevant aspects of research on adipose tissue plasticity in obesity.

The symposium was held in Santiago de Compostela last November. David Araujo, member of the Adipobroad network, led the scientific organization of the Symposium, and F.Villarroya, also from Adipobroad, participated with a presentation on adipose plasticity. The symposium covered clinical and basic science on lipodystrophy diseases, including the involvement of altered adipose plasticity.